About The Project EDSI
Association EPEKA, soc. ent., started in October 2017 Erasmus+ KA2 project “Education for Deeper Social Integration” (EDSI). The project ended in November 2019.
What We Do
The main task of this project is the social integration of adults, especially refugees and migrants, into the mainstream society through holistic education approaches, which we will research and also determine their potential for transfer into new local contexts. Throughout Europe different methods and strategies for facing the refugee crisis have been developed and through this project we plan to detect the best strategies in the field of adult education aimed at refugees.
Our Mission
In the project we trained educators, who already possess the basic skill sets, on the best principles of effective and active work in the field of educating adult refugees and members of other vulnerable groups and helping in their integration into the mainstream society and the work market.
We formed a partner consortium
With this in mind, we formed a partner consortium, which includes organisations that are actively engaged with educating refugees and other vulnerable groups. The partners have also formed strong professional networks on the local, regional, national level, through which they will pull many experts to contribute to the implementation of EDSI.
News, Events & Activities
Education for Deeper Social Integration – Breclav
April 9th to 13th 2019 Breclav, Czech Republic The third mobility activity in the...
Education for Deeper Social Integration – Rome
November 4th to 8th 2018 Rome, Italy The second mobility activity in the project...
Education for Deeper Social Integration – Rome
Between November 4th and 8th the EDSI team of educators and experts will be visiting...
Education for Deeper Social Integration – Athens
Between 24th and 30th June, Žiga Dobnikar and Robert Križanič attended the international activity in Athens…
Izobraževanje za globlje družbeno vključevanje – Atene
Med 24. in 30. junijem sta se Žiga Dobnikar in Robert Križanič udeležila mednarodne aktivnosti v Atenah…
Novica 1
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Good Practices
One of the key objectives of EDSI is the detection and analysis of good practices related to adult education on the one hand and working with vulnerable groups on the other. With this goal in mind, the consortium members detected and analyzed the most relevant practices in their local, regional and national contexts. These practices also forme the basis of the mobility activities during the project and the trainings of educational staff from partner organizations. The collected practices are divided by nations and offer key data about the practice and relevant links and contact details to acquire further information.