News, Events & Activities
Education for Deeper Social Integration – Breclav
April 9th to 13th 2019 Breclav, Czech Republic The third mobility activity in the project Education for Deeper Social Integration (EDSI) was held in Breclav in the Czech Republic. It was implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ program, under the umbrella...
Education for Deeper Social Integration – Rome
November 4th to 8th 2018 Rome, Italy The second mobility activity in the project Education for Deeper Social Integration (EDSI) took place in Rome, Italy. It was implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ program, under the umbrella National Agency Cmepius. In the...
Education for Deeper Social Integration – Rome
Between November 4th and 8th the EDSI team of educators and experts will be visiting Rome, the capital of Italy, for our second project Activity. We will see many examples of good practices and explore and enhance our skills related to educating adults from vulnerable...
Education for Deeper Social Integration – Athens
Between 24th and 30th June, Žiga Dobnikar and Robert Križanič attended the international activity in Athens…
Izobraževanje za globlje družbeno vključevanje – Atene
Med 24. in 30. junijem sta se Žiga Dobnikar in Robert Križanič udeležila mednarodne aktivnosti v Atenah…
Novica 1
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