00386 30 610 606 epeka@epeka.si

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Between 24th and 30th June the international activity in Athens was organised. It was a part of the project Education for Deeper Social Integration within the framework of Erasmus+ program, under the umbrella National Agency Cmepius.

The training in Athens was attended by 14 representatives of educational staff and staff that works with people with international protection and other vulnerable groups. The key emphasis of the training was on the impact of use of psycho-social help, especially with traumatized individuals. Training consisted of theoretical and practical part. In the former, participants were thought about the importance of psycho-social help to people with past traumatic experiences and the ways in which psychologically untrained people can help. At the same time, they were told about whens and hows of inclusion of psychologically trained people in the process. Alongside, people were introduced to the strategies of connecting non-governmental agencies with public educational and health institutions which provide intensive care of refugees and other people with fewer opportunities. They have also pointed out the importance of including volunteers in the regular activities of these services. Workshop introduced participants to various ways of communication with people from other cultures who have had a traumatic experience, where great emphasis was placed on good listening. Theoretical part was supported by a practice and visits of good practices in Athens. Participants have attended ConnectAthens – youth center that organizes activities that bring together youth and adults with fewer opportunities. In the youth center, participants of the project and the users of the center prepared a workshop and round table, open for the general public, which pointed out art as a way of addressing painful events from the past. These works have later been exhibited. Follow up activities were workshops with adult refugees, where participants helped staff educate people with international protection about CV’s and brainstorming about skills and competences that people from other cultures have but they still fit the needs of the European labor markets. Workshops have mainly been attended by the people with international protection which have been in Greece for a while and had regularly participated with IASIS. We also visited Fabric Republic – Units against Poverty, an initiative that employs people with fewer opportunities who gather and mend old clothing so it can be sent to the crisis epicenters. This initiative has been of great help to the people who have been victims of the fires in the July of 2018. We have concluded the practical part with a visit and presentation of the initiative “Housing and Reintegration for Homeless People” that helps homeless with housing and educates them and supports their integration in the society and labor market. At the end of activities we did an evaluation of the project and the skills and competences we have acquired.

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