November 4th to 8th 2018
Rome, Italy
The second mobility activity in the project Education for Deeper Social Integration (EDSI) took place in Rome, Italy. It was implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ program, under the umbrella National Agency Cmepius.
In the frame of other project activities in the project Education for Deeper Social Integration, project group of educators and experts visited Rome. Activities were attended by educational staff from Slovenia, Greece, Spain, UK, Czechia and Italy. Activity relied on two parts: the first part was based on lectures and workshops that were based upon the key experiences of the hosting organization. In this context, workshops heavily relied on the use of ICT in education and expansion of learning experiences. Teaching staff of Prometea presented how they include the ICT in the educational processes for adults with fewer opportunities and how to include people with few or almost non-existent computer competences. We have also attended a workshop that addressed the intercultural dialogue, understanding of foreign cultural values and bridging the divide between some traditional values and European cultural values, which are the pillar of integration. Workshops have also been attended by the adults with fewer opportunities who have – with the help of translators – presented their point of view. Prometeo is an organization from the South of Italy. They are still active in the region and they presented us with the specifics from the Mediterannean countries who are often an entry point for the refugees. This helped participants compare different models of integration which are embedded as centralized or decentralized models. Because profiles of our organizations were so different, this enabled us to compare and draw comparison between educational approaches and integration which targets different groups of adults with fewer opportunities. To do so, we have used various gathered examples of good practices and focus especially on the possibilities to transfer operations that were primarily targeting Roma to the people with international protection. Relating to the topic, we have also attended a round table open for general public. The second part has revolved around visits to the organizations in the sector and presentation of good practices. We have also visited Cooperative Motoni in the ELIS educational center. Initiative was started as a reply to the underdeveloped part of Rome, where migrants and working families live. Nowadays it’s a learning center, which enables locals to get a number of vocational trainings and closely cooperates with some of the leading international companies. We have visited a Folias cooperative which carries out different programs of integration of people from the margins of society. Together with the cooperative we have participated with the preparation and presentation of the public cultural intervention; mosaic of hope, made by the people with fewer opportunities. A visit to the local initiatives was wrapped up by the visit to the Association Arci one of the largent NGO Associations in Italy and presentation of their project SPRAR AIDA, which is carried out in Monterotondo near Rome and is supported by the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Project was intended for the people with international protection and designed in such a way that people included in the education and support are prepared for the autonomous life after the end of the project. On the last day in Rome, we met Monica Rossi, a senior adviser on the policies in the field of inclusion in the Roma municipality and senior expert for support of implementation of ESI funds. We held a presentation of the project and recognized good practices for her and were introduced to the ways of shaping politics that deal with the Roma community in Rome.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.