Throughout the EDSI project the consortium produced several cultural and educational events that promoted vulnerable groups through artistic production. All of the partner organisations contributed to the production of 1 cultural and educational event, due to their lack of experience in the former field mostly in collaboration with local groups. The coordinator organised 2 concerts, 2 exhibitions and 2 educational events both in Maribor and Ljubljana.
These micro events mostly served as a platform to attract a larger audience, engage with the end beneficiaries, open avenues of dialogue and present the project and its results to a wider audience. The majority of events were organised simultaneously with the mobility activities to enable the participation of the full consortium. The exception were the events in Slovenia, which were conceived more ambitiously and timed to be implemented in conjugation with other projects or commemorative days (e.g. International Roma Day, etc.) to achieve maximum reach and impact.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.